Project Events
Project events are the events that are linked to a particular project or workfolder. In GoodDay, you can create 3 types of project events: deadline, milestone, and event.

Project Deadlines
Project deadline is the absolute final date by which the project must be completed. You should plan your work so that all tasks that are part of a project are completed before the project deadline.
Milestones are point-in-time events scheduled for one particular date. Milestones are used to mark an important stage or deliverable within a project and are typically used to break the project up into logical sequential phases.
Events are the generic project-related action items or notable activities that may last for one or several days. Events typically include meetings, conferences, or other similar activities that are a part of a project.
Working with Events
Navigate to any project and switch to the Events view from the project menu. Here you can see the details of all project events, edit them, and create new ones. To learn more about working with project events, check Calendar and Events list sections of the Help Center.

Add Events View to Project