
GoodDay Upcoming Features & Release Plans

Suggest a feature

User feedback is our product team’s priority. We develop our release plans and prioritize development based on what our users need the most. So, get involved and help drive the GoodDay roadmap! Do not hesitate to suggest a new feature (this will require a GoodDay account) or provide feedback. Whether a minor improvement or a brand new module, we will review and add your ideas to our plan to develop exactly what your business and team require.

Upcoming releases

Version 6.6
Clock In/Clock Out
Release date: Q3 2024
Effortlessly track employee work hours and streamline attendance management.
Version 6.7
Release date: Q3 2024
The Pages module allows users to collaboratively create, manage, and share all types of documentation and knowledge bases directly within the projects tree.
Version 6.8
Who’s Online
Release date: Q3 2024
Identify team members currently online for seamless real-time collaboration.
Version 6.9
Approval Module
Release date: Q3 2024
Enhance efficiency by streamlining your approval process with the support of custom approval workflows in GoodDay.
Version 6.10
Custom actions
Release date: Q3 2024
Customize your workflow with GoodDay's Custom Task Actions, allowing tailored actions to align tasks with your unique project needs effortlessly.
Version 6.11
Enhanced Reporting & Analytics
Release date: Q3 2024
We all look forward to this upgrade to the GoodDay Reporting & Analytics module. It will become richer, more flexible, and will offer more customization options.
Custom reports builder
Automated reports
New report views
Improved user interface
Version 6.12
Release date: Q3 2024
The Invoices module is a powerful tool designed to streamline your invoicing and billing processes. Whether you're running a small business or a large professional service business, this module provides you with the flexibility and efficiency needed to manage your finances effectively.
Version 6.13
Release date: Q1 2024
Major update for GoodDay project templates, custom views and view presets.
New project templates
Custom Views templates
Views presets