API 2.0
Time Reports

Time Reports

New Time Report

Submit a new time report.


Name Required Type/Format Description
userId yes String User on behalf of whom API will report time
date no YYYY-MM-DD Date you want to report time for, current date will be set if not passed
reportedMinutes yes Integer Reported time in minutes
message no String Comment
isBillable no Boolean Indicates whether the reported time is billable or not.

Query time reports by user

Retrieve list of user's time reports for a specified period of time


Name Required Type/Format Description
startDate no YYYY-MM-DD Start date filter
endDate no YYYY-MM-DD End date filter
isBillable no Boolean Filter by billable status. Pass true for only billable reports, false for non-billable, or omit to include all.


Sample response →
        "id": "TIME-REPORT-ID",
        "momentCreated": "2016-06-09T12:00:00",
        "project": {
            "id": "PROJECT-ID",
            "name": "UI Design"
        "reportDate": "2018-06-09",
        "task": {
            "id": "TASK-ID",
            "name": "test task"
        "taskMessage": null,
        "timeReported": 180,
        "isBillable", true

Query time reports by task

List of time reports for a specific task


Name Required Default Type/Format Description
subtasks no False Boolean set to true to include time reports for all subtasks
startDate no YYYY-MM-DD Start date filter
endDate no YYYY-MM-DD End date filter
isBillable no Boolean Filter by billable status. Pass true for only billable reports, false for non-billable, or omit to include all.


Sample response →
        "id": "TIME-REPORT-ID",
        "momentCreated": "2020-06-09T12:00:00",
        "reportDate": "2020-06-09",
        "taskId": "TASK-ID",
        "taskMessage": "Time report comment",
        "timeReported": 180,
        "userId": "USER-ID",
        "isBillable", true

Query time reports by project

List of time reports for a specific folder/project


Name Required Default Type/Format Description
subfolders no False Boolean set to true to include time reports for all subprojects
startDate no YYYY-MM-DD Start date filter
endDate no YYYY-MM-DD End date filter
isBillable no Boolean Filter by billable status. Pass true for only billable reports, false for non-billable, or omit to include all.


Sample response →
        "id": "TIME-REPORT-ID",
        "momentCreated": "2018-06-22T12:00:00",
        "reportDate": "2018-06-22",
        "taskId": "TASK-ID",
        "taskMessage": null,
        "timeReported": 20,
        "userId": "USER-ID",
        "isBillable", true

Query all time reports

Retrieve list of all time reports for a specified period of time


Name Required Type/Format Description
startDate yes YYYY-MM-DD Start date filter
endDate yes YYYY-MM-DD End date filter
projectIds no array of ids i.e. ['ID1', 'ID2'] Projects filter
userIds no array of ids i.e. ['ID1', 'ID2'] Users filter
isBillable no Boolean Filter by billable status. Pass true for only billable reports, false for non-billable, or omit to include all.


Sample response →
        "id": "TIME-REPORT-ID",
        "message": "time report comment / message",
        "momentCreated": "2020-01-01T12:56:24.427922",
        "projectId": "PROJECT-ID",
        "reportDate": "2020-01-02",
        "reported": 120,
        "taskId": "TASK-ID",
        "userId": "USER-ID",
        "isBillable", true

Delete time report

Delete time report by time report ID